
Empowering Environmental Sustainability and Social Responsibility  

In today’s business environment, sustainability and ethical practices are paramount. Various certifications and standards help organizations ensure they meet global sustainability, environmental, and social responsibility goals, while also enhancing operational efficiency and demonstrating their commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.

Choose QMPG as Your Partner in Achieving Sustainability and Compliance. At QMPG, we specialize in providing the certification services needed to demonstrate compliance with sustainability standards and drive positive impact for your enterprise or organization. Below are key compliance areas where QMPG can assist you in meeting the highest standards:

FSC (Forest Stewardship Council):

Ensure responsible sourcing from sustainably managed forests with FSC certification.

Ensure that your wood and paper products are responsibly sourced from well-managed forests. QMPG helps you through the certification process, aligning your operations with FSC standards, which enhance your brand’s environmental credibility and appeal to eco-conscious customers.
Key Industry: Construction and Building Materials
Other Industries: Textiles and Apparel, Packaging, etc.

GRS (Global Recycled Standard):

Demonstrate recycled content and responsible production with GRS certification.

As sustainability becomes a key focus for consumers and regulators, QMPG supports businesses in achieving GRS certification. We guide you in verifying the recycled content in your products and ensuring responsible production practices, which help you stand out in a competitive market.
Key Industry: Textiles and Apparel
Other Industries:Packaging, Consumer Electronics, Construction and Building Materials.

RCS (Recycled Claim Standard):

Enhance supply chain transparency through RCS certification.

Transparency and traceability in the supply chain are essential for brands that use recycled materials. QMPG helps you implement the RCS, ensuring that every stage of your production process from sourcing to final product is tracked, enhancing trust with your customers.
Key Industry: Packaging
Other Industries: Textiles and Apparel, Consumer Electronics

EUDR (European Union Deforestation Regulation):

Stay compliant with EU regulations on deforestation with tailored EUDR solutions.

Stay compliant with the latest EU regulations designed to prevent deforestation. QMPG offers guidance in aligning your sourcing practices with the EUDR, ensuring that your products meet regulatory requirements and contribute to global efforts to curb deforestation.
Key Industry: Food and Beverage
Other Industries: Packaging, Construction and Building Materials

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Reporting:

Optimize ESG reporting to meet global sustainability standards.

With increasing demands for transparency from investors and stakeholders, QMPG helps businesses develop and implement ESG reporting frameworks, such as GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), BRSR (Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting), and the Gold Standard. Our team ensures that your ESG reports reflect your commitment to sustainability, social responsibility, and governance.
Key Industry: Consumer Electronics
Other Industries: Food and Beverage

Greenhouse Gas Emissions (ISO 14064-01):

Track, manage, and reduce emissions with ISO 14064-01 certification.

As climate change continues to shape regulatory landscapes, it’s crucial for businesses to accurately measure and report their greenhouse gas emissions. QMPG assists companies in obtaining ISO 14064-01 certification, covering Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, to help you track, manage, and reduce your carbon footprint effectively.
Key Industry: Manufacturing
Other Industries: Food and Beverage, Consumer Electronics, Construction and Building Materials

Sustainable Procurement:

Build an ethical and transparent supply chain through sustainable procurement practices.

Ethical and sustainable sourcing is an increasingly important aspect of business operations. QMPG provides expertise in sustainable procurement, helping you align your supply chain with environmental and social sustainability goals. This ensures that your suppliers meet high standards and enhances your company’s overall sustainability credentials.
Key Industry: Retail
Other Industries: Textiles and Apparel, Packaging

Carbon Disclosure Program (CDP):

Improve your CDP score with comprehensive carbon disclosure and reporting support.

Investors, customers, and regulators are paying closer attention to how businesses manage their carbon impacts. QMPG helps you navigate the CDP reporting process, ensuring that you provide transparent, accurate, and comprehensive data on climate-related risks and opportunities. Our support helps improve your CDP score, enhancing your company’s reputation and stakeholder trust.
Key Industry: Energy
Other Industries: Packaging, Consumer Electronics

SBTi (Science-Based Targets initiative) & Net Zero Target Setting:

Set and achieve science-based targets to meet your net-zero climate goals.

Achieving climate targets is crucial for businesses looking to align with global climate goals. QMPG supports businesses in setting science-based targets (SBTi) that are aligned with the Paris Agreement and in creating actionable plans to reach net-zero emissions. We provide strategic guidance and expertise to help you meet your long-term climate goals.
Key Industry: Automotive
Other Industries: Consumer Electronics, Construction and Building Materials

Water Footprinting:

Optimize water usage and reduce waste through expert water footprinting practices.

Water scarcity is a growing concern, and businesses need to manage their water usage effectively. QMPG helps companies measure and manage their water footprint, ensuring efficient water use throughout their operations. By reducing water consumption and waste, your business can contribute to global water conservation efforts and enhance its sustainability profile.
Key Industry: Agriculture
Other Industries: Food and Beverage, Construction and Building Materials

Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC):

Eliminate hazardous chemical discharges with tailored ZDHC compliance strategies.

QMPG provides tailored solutions to help businesses in sectors like textiles and apparel eliminate the discharge of hazardous chemicals. We work with you to implement the ZDHC framework, ensuring compliance with industry-leading standards and enhancing your environmental responsibility.
Key Industry: Textiles and Apparel


Boost your sustainability performance and Ecovadis rating through expert guidance.

As sustainability becomes increasingly integrated into business operations, QMPG offers support in achieving high Ecovadis ratings. We assist in aligning your business practices with the sustainability criteria assessed by Ecovadis, including environmental, social, and ethical performance, to improve your overall sustainability score and strengthen your brand reputation.
Key Industry: Hospitality
Other Industries: Consumer Electronics

FSSC 24000:

Strengthen social responsibility across your supply chain with FSSC 24000 certification.

Social sustainability is key to building a resilient and responsible supply chain. QMPG guides organizations through the FSSC 24000 certification process, which focuses on ensuring the well-being, health, and safety of workers. This certification strengthens your commitment to ethical labor practices, social responsibility, and compliance with international labor standards.
Key Industry: Food and Beverage
Other Industries: Textiles and Apparel

At QMPG, we are dedicated to guiding your business through the complexities of sustainability certifications, compliance, and reporting. With our expert team and customer-centric approach, we ensure that you achieve your sustainability goals while improving operational efficiency and maintaining a competitive edge. Partner with QMPG to lead the way in sustainable business practices and achieve your compliance and sustainability targets.