Demonstrate the commitment to the safety of food
Its abbreviation is Food and Drug Administration, a government agency which is responsible for food safety, human drugs, dietary supplements, vaccines, blood products and other biological, medical devices, tobacco and veterinarian products being sold and manufactured in the United States.
What is FDA
FDA is primarily used for protecting the public health. This is a government agency which established in the year of 1906.The agency currently separated into five centers which oversee a majority of the organization's obligations involving food, drugs, cosmetics, animal food, dietary supplements, medical devices, biological goods and blood products.
An organization that manufactures, re label and repack the products must be registered with the FDA. The process of registration will vary from one to another based on industries commonly annual registration should include all list of the drug being prepared, manufactured, and processed.
Why certification is good for my business
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At QMPG, we believe that every business to operate with a well defined standard to keep all internal & external stakeholder’s concerns at the forefront. Getting your company certified and training by professionals is a good approach to achieving that objective.